薛东秀 副研究员

研究方向: 海洋生物分子生态学
岗  位: 副研究员
部  门: 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室
联系方式: 0532-82898894
电子邮件: xuedongxiu@qdio.ac.cn

2009/09 – 2014/07:中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室,博士,导师:刘进贤研究员,张涛研究员;

2005/09 – 2009/07,中国海洋大学,水产养殖系,学士。








1.       Dong-Xiu Xue, Qiao-Li Yang, Yu-Long Li, Shao-Bing Zong, Tian-Xiang Gao, Jin-Xian Liu (2019). Comprehensive assessment of population genetic structure of the overexploited Japanese grenadier anchovy (Coilia nasus): Implications for fisheries management and conservation. Fisheries Research, 213: 113–120.

2.       Yu-Long Li, Dong-Xiu Xue, Bai-Dong Zhang, Jin-Xian Liu (2019). Population Genomic Signatures of Genetic Structure and Environmental Selection in the Catadromous Roughskin SculpinTrachidermus fasciatus. Genome Biology and Evolution,11(7): 1751–1764.

3.       Dong-Xiu Xue, John Graves, Alvar Carranza, Sergiy Sylantyev, Sergey Snigirov, Tao Zhang, Jin-Xian Liu (2018). Successful worldwide invasion of the veined rapa whelk,Rapana venosa, resulting from despite a dramatic genetic bottleneck. Biological Invasions,23:3297-3314.

4.       Yu-Long Li, Dong-Xiu Xue, Bai-Dong Zhang, Jin-Xian Liu (2018). An optimized approach for local de novo assembly of overlapping paired-end RAD reads from multiple individuals. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 171589.

5.       Bai-Dong Zhang, Dong-Xiu Xue, Juan Wang, Yu-Long Li, Bing-Jian Liu, Jin-Xian Liu (2016), Development and preliminary evaluation of a genomewide single nucleotide polymorphisms resource generated by RAD-seq for the small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis). Molecular Ecology Resources, 16, 755–768.

6.       Dong-Xiu Xue, Yu-Long Li, Jin-Xian Liu (2017). A rapid and cost-effective approach for the development of polymorphic microsatellites in non-model species using paired-end RAD sequencing, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 292(5): 1165-1174.

7.       Dong-Xiu Xue, Tao Zhang, Yu-Long Li, Jin-Xian Liu (2017). Genetic diversity and population structure of the veined rapa whelkRapana venosaalong the coast of China based on microsatellites. Fisheries Science, 83(4): 563-572.  

8.       Dong-Xiu Xue, Tao Zhang, Jin-Xian Liu (2016). Influences of population density on polyandry and patterns of sperm usage in the marine gastropodRapana venosa. Scientific Reports, 6: 23461.

9.       Dong-Xiu Xue, Tao Zhang, Jin-Xian Liu (2014). Microsatellite evidence for high frequencies multiple paternity in the marine gastropodRapana venosa. PloS One, 9(1): e86508.

10.  Dong-Xiu Xue, Hai-Yan Wang, Tao Zhang, Jin-Xian Liu (2014). Population genetics ofAtrina pectinatabased on mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite. PloS One, 9(5): e95436.