岳  欣 副研究员

研究方向: 海洋生物学
岗  位: 副研究员
部  门: 实验海洋生物学重点实验室
联系方式: 0532-82898863
电子邮件: yuexin@qdio.ac.cn











1. Yue X, Zhang SJ, Yu JJ, Liu BZ (2019). Identification of a laccase gene involved in shell periostracal tanning of the clam Meretrix petechialis. Aquatic Biology, 28: 55-65.

2. Zhang SJ, Yue X(共同一作), Yu JJ, Wang HX, Liu BZ(2019). MITF regulates downstream genes in response to Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection in the clam Meretrix Petechialis. Frontiers in Immunology, 10: 1547.

3. Zhang SJ, Wang HX, Yu JJ, Jiang FJ, Yue X*, Liu BZ(2018). Identification of a gene encoding microphthalmia-associated transcription factor and its association with shell color in the clam Meretrix petechialis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 225: 75-83.

4. Yue X, Huan P, Hu YH, Liu BZ(2018). Integrated transcriptomic and proteomic analyses reveal potential mechanisms linking thermal stress and depressed disease resistance in the turbot Scophthalmus maximus. Scientific Reports, 8.

5. Yue X, Nie Q, Xiao GQ, Liu BZ(2015). Transcriptome analysis of shell-color related genes in the clam Meretrix meretrix. Marine Biotechnology   17: 364-374.

6. Yue X, Huan P, Xiao GQ, Liu BZ(2013). Expression patterns of an i-type lysozyme in the clam Meretrix meretrix along with larval development. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 41: 27-32.

7. Yue X, Wang HX, Huang XH, Wang C, Chai XL, Liu BZ(2012). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in i-type lysozyme gene and their correlation with vibrio-resistance and growth of clam Meretrix meretrix based on the selected resistance stocks. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 33: 559-568.

8. Yue X, Liu BZ, Sun L(2011). Isolation and characterization of a virulent Vibrio sp. bacterium from clams (Meretrix meretrix) with mass mortality. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 106: 242-249.

9. Yue X, Liu BZ, Xue QG(2011). An i-type lysozyme from the Asiatic hard clam Meretrix meretrix potentially functioning in host immunity. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2011, 30: 550-558.

10. Yue X, Liu BZ, Xiang JH, Jia JT. Identification and characterization of the pathogenic effect of a Vibrio parahaemolyticus-related bacterium isolated from clam Meretrix meretrix with mass mortality. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 2010, 103: 109–115.


1. 岳欣,刘保忠,张淑静,王鸿霞(2017).文蛤酚氧化酶基因及其编码蛋白和应用. 201710186942.7.


1. 2017年度浙江省科技进步二等奖.重要滩涂贝类良种培育技术体系创建与应用。主要完成人:刘保忠,柴学良,王鸿霞,肖囯强,方军,邵艳卿,岳欣,滕爽爽,张炯明。