邢丽丽 副研究员

研究方向: 海洋生态学
岗  位: 副研究员
部  门: 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室
联系方式: 0532-82898645
电子邮件: lilixing@qdio.ac.cn

主要从事棘皮动物体色调控机制与基因编辑育种等方面研究,在原理认知层面,揭示了刺参体色调控机制,阐明了棘皮动物体色生态适应特征;在技术突破层面,构建了刺参基因编辑技术体系,实现了棘皮动物顺式调控元件高效编辑;在良种创制层面,作为第三完成人培育了紫刺参品系,助力了棘皮动物产业发展。相关研究成果发表第一作者SCI论文11篇,参编中文专著2部、英文专著1部,授权第一发明人专利4项,主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题等项目5项。曾获海洋科学技术奖一等奖、中国科学院院长优秀奖、中国科学院海洋研究所“优秀博士后”出站奖励等荣誉。兼任中国海洋湖沼学会棘皮动物分会副秘书长,Frontiers in Marine Science、Frontiers in Physiology编委,中国科学院大学本科招生山东招生组专家,中国科学院海洋研究所研究生班主任等。


●2018-03 至 2019-03, 美国杜克大学, 进化生物学, 联合培养博士

●2014-09 至 2019-06, 中国科学院大学, 海洋生态学, 理学博士

●2010-09 至 2014-06, 海南大学, 海洋科学, 理学学士






1.国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目, 刺参色素沉积关键顺式调控元件鉴定与调控机制解析, 30万元, 在研, 主持

2. 国家重点研发计划子课题,海洋牧场智能管控与少人化精准协同作业应用示范,131万元,在研,主持

3. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目,刺参色素沉积作用特征及调控元件解析,项目负责人,15万元,在研,主持

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,刺参体色关键基因及关键顺式调控元件的定位与解析,8万元,结题,主持

5. 青岛市博士后研究人员应用研究项目资助,刺参体色形成调控路径解析与育种应用, 5万元,结题,主持


1. Lili Xing; Lina Sun; Shilin Liu; Libin Zhang; Hongsheng Yang; Comparative metabolomic analysis of the body wall from four varieties of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Food Chemistry, 2021, 352: 129339.

2. Lili Xing; Lina Sun; Shilin Liu; Xaioni Li; Libin Zhang; Hongsheng Yang; Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the mechanism of albinism during different pigmentation stages of the albino sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Aquaculture, 2018, 486: 148-160.

3. Lili Xing; Shilin Liu; Libin Zhang; Hongsheng Yang; Lina Sun; Landscape and dynamics of accessible chromatin during pigmentation process in green, white and purple sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Aquaculture Reports. 2022, 23:101040.

4. Lili Xing, Lingyu Wang, Shilin Liu, Lina Sun, Gary M Wessel, Hongsheng Yang. Single-Cell Transcriptome and Pigment Biochemistry Analysis Reveals the Potential for the High Nutritional and Medicinal Value of Purple Sea Cucumbers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(15):12213.

5. Lili Xing; Lina Sun; Shilin Liu; Libin Zhang; Jingchun Sun; Hongsheng Yang; Metabolomic analysis of white, green and purple morphs of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus during body color pigmentation process. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2021, 39: 100827.

6. Lili Xing; Shilin Liu; Libin Zhang; Hongsheng Yang; Lina Sun, MITF contributes to the body color differentiation of sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus through expression differences and regulation of downstream genes. Biology 2022, 12: 1.

7. Lili Xing; Lingyu Wang; Femke Roos; Michelle Lee; Gregory Wray. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated disruption of Endo16 cis-regulatory elements in sea urchin embryos. Fishes, 2023, 8: 118.

8. Lili Xing; Lina Sun; Shilin Liu; Xiaoni Li; Libin Zhang; Hongsheng Yang; De Novo assembly and comparative transcriptome analyses of purple and green morphs of Apostichopus japonicus during body wall pigmentation process, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2018, 28: 151-161.

9. Lili Xing; Lina Sun; Shilin Liu; Zixuan Wan; Xiaoni Li; Ting Miao; Libin Zhang; Yucen Bai; Hongsheng Yang; Growth, histology, ultrastructure and expression of MITF and astacin in the pigmentation stages of green, white and purple morphs of the sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus. Aquaculture Research, 2018, 49(1): 177-187.

10. Lili Xing; Lina Sun; Shilin Liu; Xiaoni Li; Libin Zhang; Hongsheng Yang; IBT-based quantitative proteomics identifies potential regulatory proteins involved in pigmentation of purple sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2017, 23: 17-26


1. 《增殖型海洋牧场技术模式》,2021年,中国农业出版社

2. 《现代渔业科技创新发展现状与展望》,2022年,科学出版社

3. 《The World of Sea Cucumbers: Challenges, Advances, and Innovations》,2023年,Academic Press


1. 邢丽丽,刘石林,江春嬉,杨红生,孙丽娜,张立斌,一种刺参基因编辑体系的构建方法,ZL202111450476.1,授权国家发明专利,2022

2. Lili Xing, Shilin Liu, Hongsheng yang, Lina Sun, Libin Zhang, Fang Su, Wei Cui, Chunxi Jiang, Bohong Liu, Hongyuan Zhao,Construction method for gene editing system of Apostichopus japonicus NL2033411 (B1),授权国际发明专利,2023

3. Liu Shilin, Xing Lili, Lin Chenggang, Ru Xiaoshang, Sun Jingchun, Sun Lina, Xu Shuai, Zhang Libin, Xu Jialei, Yang Hongsheng,Method for breeding prickly and fast-growing variety of Apostichopus japonicus,LU503032,授权国际发明专利,2023

4. Liu Shilin, Sun Jingchun, Lin Chenggang, Zhang Yongan, Sun Lina, Xing Lili, Ru Xiaoshang, Xu Shuai, Zhang Libin, Yang Hongsheng, Xu Jialei,Improved device for bottom material of Apostichopus japonicus culture pond and use method thereof,LU503127,授权国际发明专利,2023

5. 邢丽丽,刘石林,孙丽娜,张立斌,杨红生,一种海参自动切割装,ZL202111450476.1,授权实用新型专利,2023


1. 海洋科学技术奖一等奖(5/15),刺参育种技术创新与新品种创制,2022

2. 中国科学院院长优秀奖,2019

3. 中国科学院海洋研究所优秀博士后出站奖励,2021