研究方向: | 海洋生物地球化学 |
岗 位: | 研究员 |
部 门: | 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室 |
联系方式: | 0532-82898592 |
电子邮件: | duanliqin@qdio.ac.cn |
个人网页: |
l2002-2006:内蒙古大学 化学化工学院,本科 l2006-2011:中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋化学,博士 |
l2011-2014:中国科学院海洋研究所,助理研究员 l2015-2018:中国科学院海洋研究所,副研究员 l2018-2019:中国科学院海洋研究所,特聘研究员 l2019-至今:中国科学院海洋研究所,研究员 |
先后主持和参加国家基金委面上项目、国家基金委青年项目、中科院青促会项目、中国科学院仪器功能开发项目、国家973、国家基金委山东省联合基金项目、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项等。 |
1. Liqin Duan*,Jinming Song*, Xianmeng Liang, Meiling Yin, Huamao Yuan, Xuegang Li, Chengzhe Ren, Bu Zhou, Xuming Kang, Xuebo Yin, Dynamics and diagenesis of trace metals in sediments of the Changjiang Estuary,Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 675: 247-259 2. Liqin Duan*, Jinming Song*, Xuegang Li, Huamao Yuan, Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers signature in sediments of the East China Sea and its implication on marine and continental climate and environment records,Ecological Indicators, 2019,103: 509-519 3. Liqin Duan*, Jinming Song*, Huamao Yuan, Xuegang Li, Quancai Peng, Occurrence and origins of biomarker aliphatic hydrocarbons and their indications in surface sediments of the East China Sea, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 167: 259-268 4. Liqin Duan, Jinming Song, Huamao Yuan, Xuegang Li, Ning Li, Quancai Peng,The use of sterols combined with isotope analyses as a tool to identify the origin of organic matter in the East China Sea,Ecological Indicators, 2017, 83: 144-157 5. Liqin Duan, Jinming Song, Huamao Yuan, Xuegang Li, Ning Li, Distribution, partitioning and sources of dissolved and particulate nitrogen and phosphorus in the north Yellow Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2016, 181: 182-195 6. Liqin Duan, Jinming Song,Yu Yu, Huamao Yuan, Xuegang Li, Ning Li, Spatial variation, fractionation and sedimentary records of mercury in the East China Sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 101: 434-441 7. Liqin Duan, Jinming Song, Huamao Yuan, Xuegang Li, Ning Li, Selenium and tellurium fractionation, enrichment, sources and chronological reconstruction in the East China Sea, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2014, 143: 48-57 8. Liqin Duan, JinmingSong, Huamao Yuan, Xuegang Li, Ning Li, Spatio-temporal distribution and environmental risk ofarsenicin sediments of the East China Sea, Chemical Geology, 2013, 340: 21-31 9. Liqin Duan, Jinming Song,XuegangLi, Huamao Yuan, Yayan Xu, Thallium concentrations and sources in the surfacesedimentsof Bohai Bay, Marine Environmental Research, 2012, 73: 25-31 10. Liqin Duan, Jinming Song, Xuegang Li, Huamao Yuan, Sisi Xu, Dissolved inorganic tin sources and its coupling with eco-environments in Bohai Bay,Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012,184:1335-1349 | |
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