赵  峰 研究员

研究方向: 海洋生物多样性与进化
岗  位: 研究员
部  门: 海洋生物分类与系统演化实验室
联系方式: 15336396326
电子邮件: fzhao@qdio.ac.cn




目前为国家自然科学基金委评审专家和山东省科技专家;担任新晋国际期刊iMeta青年编委,《水生生物学报》青年编委;三家SCI期刊的review editor,十余家期刊特邀审稿人。


● 2008/09 - 2013/07,中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋生物学,博士

● 2004/09 - 2008/06,东北农业大学,生物技术,学士


●2023/10 – 至今,中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋生物分类与系统演化实验室,研究员

●2021/12 – 2023/10,中国科学院海洋研究所,汇泉学者(特聘研究员)

●2016/12 – 2023.10,中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋生物分类与系统演化实验室,副研究员

●2016/12 – 2017/11,德国 凯撒斯劳滕工业大学,分子生态系,博士后

●2013/08 – 2016/12,中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋生物分类与系统演化实验室,助理研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金、NO. 42376134、西太平洋海流和复杂地形驱动的纤毛虫基因流与群落结构变异研究、2024.1-2027.12、51万元、主持

2. 国家重点研发计划-子课题、深海羽状流再沉积对底栖生物的影响和预测、2022YFC2803804-4、2022.11-2026.10、64万元,主持

3. 崂山实验室“十四五”重大项目子课题、2022QNLM050102-2、深海真核微生物多样性扩布与连通机制、2022.05-2025.04、49万元、主持

4. 中国科学院青年人才项目:青年创新促进会会员、2022206、2022.01-2025.12、80万元、主持

5. 国家自然科学基金、NO. 41976099、热带西北太平洋浮游纤毛虫多样性分布模式及主要控制因子研究、2020.1-2023.12、62万元、主持


1. R. Zhao#, F. Zhao#, L Feng, J K-H Fang, C Liu, K. Xu. 2023. A Deep Seamount Effect Enhanced the Vertical Connectivity of the Planktonic Community Across 1000 m Above Summit. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2022JC018898【共同一作,赵荣杰为本课题组的博士生;学科交叉研究的实例,结合物理海洋模式解析驱动海山区纤毛虫垂向扩散的物理海洋学机制】

2. F. Zhao, S. Filker, C. Wang, K. Xu. 2021. Bathymetric gradient shapes the community composition rather than the species richness of deep-sea benthic ciliates. Science of the Total Environment, 755, 142623.

3. F. Zhao, Y. Wang, S. Zheng, R. Zhao, M. Lin, K. Xu. 2021. Patterns and drivers of microeukaryotic distribution along the North Equatorial Current from the Central Pacific Ocean to the South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 165, 112091.

4. F. Zhao, C. Wang, K. Xu*, P. Huang, T. Zhou. 2020. Diversity and connectivity of microeukaryote communities across multiple habitats from intertidal zone to deep-sea floor in the Western Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 165, 103395.

5. F. Zhao, S. Filker, K. Xu*, P. Huang, S. Zheng. 2020. Microeukaryote communities exhibit phyla-specific distance-decay patterns and an intimate link between seawater and sediment habitats in the Western Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 160, 103279.

6. F. Zhao, S. Filker, K. Xu*, J. Li, T. Zhou & P. Huang. 2019. Effects of intragenomic polymorphism in the SSU rRNA gene on estimating marine microeukaryotic diversity: a test for ciliates using single-cell high-throughput DNA sequencing. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 17:533-543.

7. F. Zhao, S. Filker *. 2018. Characterization of protistan plankton diversity in ancient salt evaporation ponds located in a volcanic crater on the island Sal, Cape Verde. Extremophiles, 22:943-956.

8. F. Zhao, S. Filker, T. Stoeck, K. Xu*. 2017. Ciliate diversity and distribution patterns in the sediments of a seamount and adjacent abyssal plains in the tropical Western Pacific Ocean. BMC Microbiology, 17:192.

9. F. Zhao, K. Xu*. 2017. Distribution of ciliates in intertidal sediments across geographic distances: a molecular view. Protist, 168:171-182.

10. F. Zhao, K. Xu*. 2016. Molecular diversity and distribution pattern of ciliates in sediments from deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Okinawa Trough and adjacent sea areas. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 116: 22-32.